Russell fence

[< the name of its patenter]
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

See 1953 quote. Also spelled (erroneously) rustle fence.


There was the rustle fence, with boom on top and centre. . . .
The Russell fence has the unusual distinction of having been patented and Russell, the inventor, succeeded, in some cases at least, in collecting royalties from people who built fences on his model. It consists of pairs of crossed posts, set in post holes as in the stake-and-rider and the dog-leg, but the rails are hung from the crotches and from each other in wire loops. This makes a very strong fence with few rails and the work of repairing it is made much easier.
[Caption] Cowboys of the Chilcotin district, B.C., appreciate the uses of a Russell fence.
Many members declare the proto-type Cariboo gate to be horizontal, loose jackpine poles with large knobby knots which must be pried in and out of the interstices of a Russell Fence.


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